Virtual Employee

7 Interesting Facts About Hiring Virtual Employees


July 31, 2017

7 Interesting Facts About Hiring Virtual Employees

Working remotely has many advantages and sounds fantastic at times. It makes perfect sense, for example, working from home is environment-friendly and economical as well. Having fewer employees in the office can also lower the overhead costs for employers. Although many companies are weighing the pros and cons of hiring remote employees, we have put up a few surprising facts about remote work for you to know:

Some of the fresh data gathered here are from a newly released report, the 2017 State of Telecommuting in the U.S. Employee Workforce. This is a comprehensive and exclusive analysis which offers independent research organizations and communities understand emerging workplace issues.

1. On average, remote workers are in their mid-40s and older:

The world seems to be driven by millennials but that is not entirely true. Research shows nearly half of the working population which works remotely is in their mid-40’s to start with. As opposed to the young workforce, middle age employees look for more flexibility to manage work-life balance.  However, WebBee has a balance of employees where most of our resources are young and ready to work with clients at other locations.

2.Remote workers tend to be more educated:

The research from the Global Workforce Analytics report indicates that on an average virtual employee is found to be highly educated. Though it is also true that most of the jobs from home do not essentially require a degree. About 53% of virtual workers are graduate as compared to 37% who do not have one. All the employees provided by WebBee are highly educated and have an engineering degree and some have Masters as well in their chosen field.

3. Remote employees are more engaged:

The understanding that remote workers remain disconnected from their colleagues and from day-to-day activities of their employer has been largely debunked. The fact is however different. Telecommuting is linked to increased employee engagement owning to the right training parted to employees and tools given to them to manage their work smoothly to and stay connected with rest of the team. We keep our remote employees engaged in team activities and functions to keep them motivated and up to date.

4.Remote work is the fastest-growing commute option:

With the increase in the traffic situation in metro cities, virtual work is the top most choice for many employees who must be on the road for half of their office time. As a mode of commuting, virtual work has become the fasted mode of accessing work and the workplace than any other means.

5.Working remotely boosts worker productivity:

Staying in office and being available around the boss is not a guarantee of performance or getting the work done. On the contrary, team workers sometimes become distractions and slow down the work pace. Working remotely gives you the flexibility to work at your own pace and brings out the productivity in your work. You can work peacefully and without any disturbance. Our remote workers engaged with client’s project come to office regularly, but they also get their personal peace when working on odd hours as per their need.

6. The median salary for remote workers is higher than that of in-office workers:

Working from home doesn’t mean you must compromise on the salary. Your worth doesn’t go down when you work remotely.  Fresh data from Flexjobs/Global Workforce Analytics research reinforces the fact that the annual income for most telecommuters is $4,000 more than the income of traditional employees. Those who think otherwise, must reevaluate their career options and check the facts. Our salary grid is based on the experience and qualifications of the candidate rather than his availability in office.

7. Remote work keeps older people in the workforce longer:

Many employees plan to retire earlier to enjoy a second-innings of their career while they can manage it; virtual work can facilitate such aspirations if any. And this is not just limited to older employees but many believe it enhances their ability to work longer. In some instances, a virtual job can enable an employee to enjoy quality time with their spouse if they are already retired and in some cases, move to a dream location of their choice since both do not need to drive to the office anymore.  Geographical location isn’t an issue anymore and in fact, works in their favor.

Hire virtual employees for bespoke technologies and e-commerce projects and receive a brilliant quality of work from our teams.


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