Connect Your eBay Store with NetSuite using MapMyChannel by WebBee

Streamline inventory and order management between eBay and NetSuite and gain insightful information like Inventory, Sales data and Top Selling Products.

Connect NetSuite to Walmart Marketplace with MapMyChannel App

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Integrate your eBay Store with NetSuite in Just 1 Day

Seamless flow of data like order information, inventory and shipping details from eBay Store to NetSuite for efficient order management & financial operations.

Order Syncing between Walmart and NetSuite ERP

Optimize Order Management Process


Utilize Pre-Built Integrators to automate order flows between eBay Store and NetSuite.


Gain actionable insights based on Sales Data, Inventory Levels and Top selling products information.


Hold orders for a specific amount of time allowing customers to take order specific decisions.

Smarter Inventory Management


Map SKUs between eBay Store and NetSuite with easy configurations using Map My Channel by WebBee.


Avoid delays in Order Fulfillment by sync inventory between eBay Store and NetSuite.


Maintain Inventory Buffer within the platform managing the case of emergencies, transportation delays or demand surge.

Walmart integration features - inventory sync in real time
Shipment Tracking Information & Automated Invoice Billing Process for Walmart

Advanced Shipment and Tracking Features


Easily sync tracking information between eBay Store and NetSuite.


Setup custom advanced rules for order routing enhancing your fulfillment operations.


Send Email Updates to customers about their order status and allow them to track their orders with ease.

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Know How WebBee Is Your Reliable Choice for eBay NetSuite Integration

By Choosing WebBee you can streamline your eCommerce operations and scale your business to newer heights. Unlock Your Journey to Success with us:


Highly Trusted and Most Reliable SaaS Platform


Pre-Built Workflows for Easy Integration


Dedicated Premium Support


Regular application updates with new features

MapMyChannel by WebBee, a robust ecommerce platform for Walmart NetSuite integration & connector.

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