
Explore Ecommerce Integration Efficiency with Amazon Seller SKU


September 30, 2024

Explore Ecommerce Integration Efficiency with Amazon Seller SKU

Losing track of your products means losing revenue. This is an actual fear every Amazon seller knows too well. However, keeping an eye on the details can help overcome such fears. Being an Amazon seller, you must have heard about terms like “SKU”. To the layman, it is just another term but to an Amazon seller, it is a powerful identifier. An identifier that not only helps you organize your inventory but also facilitates smooth ecommerce integration. Like numerous other terms, SKU may seem confusing at first glance, but they are quite simple. How? Let us help you. In this blog, we will give a thorough understanding of Seller SKU on Amazon. So, let us uncover what an Amazon Seller SKU is and its vital role in ecommerce integration.

Amazon Seller SKU: What is it?

Seller SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) on Amazon is a unique alphanumeric identifier or code created by sellers. The code is a combination of letters and numbers assigned to a particular product.  It helps in keeping track of inventory on Amazon’s platform. In addition to this, it is vital for tracking stock levels, improving ecommerce operational efficiency, and strengthening the overall selling performance. 

To be more clear, Seller SKU on Amazon makes it simple to track a specific product among the millions of products sold via Amazon. For instance, an Amazon seller lists two headphones- one is colored blue and the other one is black. Both products belong to the same category but the customers might want a specific color. In order to distinguish between them, the blue headphones will have a different SKU as compared to the black one. This way, it becomes easy and quick to manage the entire inventory management system.

Do I Really Need an Amazon SKU? 

Yes indeed, all your products require SKUs to sell on Amazon. Seller SKU on Amazon is a mandatory field that needs to be filled in while creating a product listing on Amazon. These SKUs are a crucial part of the overall Amazon ecosystem and enable the platform to identify and evaluate the product’s performance. Want to explore some more benefits? Here are some of the top ones:

Organization of Data

Having standardized Amazon SKUs across all your spreadsheets and inventory management systems helps organize your data. Proper SKUs make the data more tidy, accessible, and free of manual error. Instead of providing the entire detail about a particular product, sellers can organize their Amazon SKUs in a spreadsheet. This ultimately offers a more efficient tracking system, ensuring data integrity and efficiency. 

Efficient Inventory Tracking

Amazon Seller SKUs serve as the backbone of inventory management. These alphanumeric codes are instrumental in tracking and handling inventory. Furthermore, these act as a key component while selling on the Amazon platform. As a result, you can formulate informed decisions regarding reordering, pricing adjustments, and product performance. 

Product Listings

Another important point to note is that the platform requires sellers to use SKUs for all Amazon product listings. Such codes are utilized to connect each seller’s products with their product information in the Amazon catalog. Therefore, it is critical to have an Amazon Seller SKU for every product you wish to list on Amazon.

Better Order Fulfillment

Order fulfillment is indeed a major concern for Amazon sellers. This is another area where Amazon SKUs can make a mark. How? When all of your products have proper SKUs then it becomes easier to match them with the customer orders and hence fulfill them accordingly.

How are Amazon SKU, FNSKU, ASIN, and UPC distinct from each other?

An Amazon Seller SKU is one unique identifier but there are multiple others. These identifiers are also aimed at inventory management and sales optimization. Here’s a quick overview of all of them to let you differentiate them from Amazon Seller SKU.

Amazon SKU: Seller SKU on Amazon is basically an alphanumeric code assigned by the sellers to their products. Such a code is visible only to the sellers and is utilized for internal purposes. The objective is to ensure robust inventory management and improve the Amazon reporting process.

Fulfillment Network Stock Keeping Unit (FNSKU): This SKU is used in FBA shipments and is part of the Amazon Fulfillment by Amazon program. This is generated by Amazon itself for products that fall under their fulfillment program. This too is visible only to the seller. The differentiation is that it helps locate products belonging to a specific seller in Amazon fulfillment centers. 

Amazon Standard Identification Number (ASIN): Now comes the ASIN, a code that Amazon automatically generates for products sold on its marketplace. It is an internal catalog number used for product indexing and classification.

Universal Product Code (UPC): Not to add, UPC stands for universal product code, which is a barcode symbology applied to products by manufacturers for tracking purposes. For Amazon, there isn't a special code. It is useful to recognize the products offered by every retailer. 

How to Create an Amazon Seller SKU?

Before delving into the “how to” process, let us quickly go through some components. These components are to be kept in mind while creating an Amazon Seller SKU. The components are as follows:

  • The first is the product name which generally refers to the product title such as “headphones” or “mattress”.
  • The next is the product category. This can be better understood via an example, products like “headphones” fall under the category of electronics. 
  • Another particular component not to be missed includes the standout characteristics of a particular product like the shape, size, color, etc.
  • Make sure that your Amazon Seller SKU is not too long. Though you can have an SKU of up to 40 characters with Amazon, it is not very practical. 
  • It is best to avoid spaces in your Amazon Seller SKU. However, you are allowed to use underscores and hyphens.

To create SKUs, you can either go for Amazon-generated or seller-generated. Both options are viable but you need to decide and analyze the best method for creating an Amazon SKU on your own.

To Make a SKU that is Generated by Amazon

Steps to Create Amazon Generated SKUs

When selling on Amazon, ecommerce businesses have the option of doing it themselves or letting Amazon create an SKU for your products. Here is what to do if you choose to let Amazon handle it:

  • First, you need to log into your Amazon Seller Account and move to Inventory> Add a Product.
  • Now, select the category and click on Amazon-Generated button inside the SKU section
  • After this, you need to fill in the product information, then click on save and finish.

Amazon will now assign an SKU to your product and add it to your inventory.

To Make a Seller-Generated SKU

  • First and foremost you need to open your Amazon Seller Account and navigate towards Inventory > Add a Product.
  • Choose the product category you want and click on the Seller-Generated button under the SKU section.
  • Now, create an Amazon Seller SKU for your product by filling in the relevant information, then click Save and Finish.

Your product will be added to your inventory with the SKU you assigned.

Can You Sell Without an SKU?

If you are an ecommerce business wanting to sell on Amazon. Then, your product must have an SKU. Though, if you don't have one you can let Amazon generate it for you. 

Can You Modify a SKU on Amazon?

Yes, you can modify SKUs on Amazon, but you need to be careful while doing so. Altering your Seller SKU can create disruptions and confusion. As a result, it negatively impacts your sales and shipments. 

Can You Just Make Up a SKU?

Amazon is a centralized platform and it lets you generate your choice of SKU. However, that SKU should comply with the rules specified by Amazon.

Final Thoughts

If you wish to boost your sales on Amazon, Amazon Seller SKUs are essential. An Amazon Seller SKU not only helps customers in product identification but also streamlines inventory management. As a result, you can alleviate your chances of making a sale by ensuring your products are easily searchable and properly classified. At WebBee Global, we specialize in creating and handling these unique identifiers to optimize your Amazon product listings. Our team understands the complexities of the Amazon ecosystem and can help implement a robust SKU strategy that improves visibility. Additionally, we offer comprehensive inventory solutions to make sure your stock levels are always in sync. Whether you have doubts regarding Amazon Seller SKUs, need assistance with Multi-Channel Fulfillment (MCF), or guidance on strengthening your overall Amazon strategy, we are here to assist you every step of the way. 

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