
Extend NetSuite With Webstore Design


February 25, 2015

Extend NetSuite With Webstore Design

NetSuite connectors are popular for their efficient integrators for e-commerce sites, such as Amazon. This e-tailing giant promises a global buying audience to online enterprises, but has a host of difficult formatting issues to overcome, before these promises can be collected. The NetSuite Amazon connector relieves that burden of required formatting, data input, collecting and seamlessly managing one’s online business aspects on the site. However, few are aware of the potentials NetSuite offers in terms of building a web-store and its additional values for any e-commerce business. Many enterprises believe that logging on to Amazon, with efficient NetSuite connectors is enough to substantiate profits. Several others have used e-commerce site builders believe a web-store at Amazon is extraneous. This is an unfortunate thought process, as a mere presence on Amazon is inadequate without the backup of an integrated and exclusive web-store at the site.

NetSuite besides being an excellent Amazon connector can also be used as an e-commerce site builder. This is done through the use of NetSuite SuiteScript, an intensive API, which allows an operator to customize and create a distinct web-store for your brand at Amazon. A NetSuite web-store built with SuiteScript is unlike the standard shopping sites are seen on the e-tailing giant. NetSuite SuiteScript allows for tweaking and altering the Amazon connector to build a unique web-store that not only represents your products adequately but also sticks to your brand identity. From images, placement, catalog, pricing to payouts, NetSuite SuiteScript can elevate your Amazon web-store to provide customers unforgettable shopping experience. This ensures you have a stand-apart web-store, amongst the many at Amazon, with the ability to ensure customer return. Using NetSuite SuiteScript as an e-commerce site builder makes sense for its not only myriad customizations and flexibility but also for the amazingly low cost, that it comes at. Get here complete NetSuite consulting by NetSuite Experts for designing and customization.


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