ERP Software

The Best Features ERP Software


May 31, 2017

The Best Features ERP Software

Business organizations and management teams often execute tough decisions on managing operations in their business organization, and one of the significant decisions that you might be debating right now is whether to do an ERP deployment. The software “Enterprise resource planning (ERP)” is a system which can be used with great benefits to your business organization.

If you are still thinking how ERP systems can benefit your organization, then the bottom line is because ERP benefits far outweigh the initial cost and time. By educating more on “why ERP”. The software solution that you must be using, you may begin exploring the options to find the appropriate ERP solution for your business organization to use. Let us see potentially benefitting signs of the ERP system ensuring efficiency in your business organization:

Save Cost

ERP packages actually save the cost of your organization. An ERP unifies multiple systems which may currently be fragmented in your business organization, this ranges from product development and supply chain management to IT support, management and much more.

By unifying the whole system, you generate cost-efficiency and enhanced business processes. Moreover, your business organization saves money by eliminating the need for different skilled users to be trained on different systems. All will get trained on one system, and there exist cost and time savings associated with this.

Enhanced Collaboration

The business features of ERP applications may vary depending on the program that you are using, however, all of these systems allow you to share and edit data as well as to enhance security and access. There is no requirement to merge information across various systems or sources. When complete data is compiled, housed, shared, and accessed through a single system (centralization), there is no issue regarding the accuracy or security the data.

Smart Analytics

The right ERP make it easier to generate faster reports for your team, and this might include everything from income and expense statements to customized reports depending on metrics and trends. The capability to have access to these reports quickly permits you and your team to execute better decisions quickly. You are not required to rely on your IT staff to issue the reports that you need at any moment of time.

Enhanced Productivity

Your business organizations may have redundancies in operations, without ERP, or they may have to waste time finishing repetitive tasks manually. This ultimately leads to a negative impact on the business bottom line. An ERP will eradicate this time waste, leading ultimately to have a positive impact on your business organization’s productivity, efficiency, and overall profitability.

Satisfied Customers

An ERP is an internal business system, hence you may not think it has much to do with customer satisfaction. But, this is not the case. The right ERP software solution might be used in executing various marketing tasks, which relates to the processes, including lead generation and customer acquisition to late-phase customer service, also customer retention. Ultimately, this helps you to better communicate effectively with your customers and clients via all stages of the process.

Simplified Regulatory Compliance

In case your business organization is like most other organization then your team may spend a considerable amount of time to comply with regulations associated with the Federal Information Security Management Act, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, and many others. Successful execution of your ERP project enhanced ability to manage and secure data, generating suitable reports and maintain throughout compliance.

Enhanced Inventory and Production Management

If your business organization utilizes inventory and has a production process in place then you can also benefit from enhanced management in these areas. An ERP can be utilized to simplify the task of minimizing overages, enhancing production and delivery schedules and more. This makes it simple and easy to optimize business efforts instead of making an informed guess about volumes, processes and more.

It Includes Basic Features

You expect your software to deliver you perfection on a gold-leafed platter. You just expect the ability to log in, do your duties, and get the job done. If the basic features are available to you and the software does help with your day-to-day tasks, you probably love your ERP system.

Erp Systems Interact With Another System

One main factor for employing ERP systems is to make life easier, not harder. The non-interactive system is always a source of frustration. In case your organization uses two (or more) systems that can not interact each other, it implies you’re burdened with unnecessary work. Hence, ERP should be flexible enough to interact with any other system of the organization, also, robust and portable to get adopted to the coming changes.

Raw Data Is Good Enough

Data is crucial for any organization. ERP System is built upon the raw data (legacy data). ERP should be smart enough to work with legacy data without disrupting its originality. The raw data should be good enough to work with making your system complete.

Software Works Profoundly Well

In the scheme of things, it hardly matters if an error occurred due to human error or due to software. Either way, this leads to unsatisfactory outcomes. You will get benefitted by exploring effective ERP system options, which are smart and intuitive, capable of minimizing the probability of happening errors.

Minimum Manual Fixes

The main objective of the effective ERP solutions is to automate the system such that to minimize employee workloads. In fact, that is the purpose of software i.e. Automation! Accuracy! Speed! And No manual fixes.

Real-Time Non-Redundant Data Handling

The good ERP system must reflect and provide business organizations with the real-time data accessibility as per the business requirements. As it is too common that business leaders take decisions based on data that reflects “right now” moment theory. Smart ERP systems are capable of pulling real-time reports, letting efficiency and business opportunities.


Every business organizations have an objective and every employee has a wish list, for that matter. Any ERP system in place must have efficiency as a built-in feature benefit. The moot point of these ERP systems is to put logistics in place which help you gain efficiency. In case your ERP system lacks this primary benefit, then you’re piling up the costs by not switching to a new system.

Though we stop at these main signs, however, the list surely goes on. How many of these signs apply to your business organization? Even if it’s just one, then also, it is a demand of the time to get upgraded to the ERP system.


The decision to deploy an ERP as well as the decision regarding which ERP to incorporate into your business organization should be based upon defining your ERP requirements matched against the functional features and benefits of specific programs, then only you will be able to better examine and determine which software solutions may be the best fit for your business organization.

In case you are looking for on-site or a web-based ERP consultancy to have a better understanding of the top solutions in the ERP market contact WebBee solutions and request the free demo.


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