
The Ultimate Guide To Reduce Your Magento Development Cost


October 10, 2017

The Ultimate Guide To Reduce Your Magento Development Cost

The online world has engulfed every business and is not just limited to e-commerce market. It has spread its wings across industries and verticals and now it has become mandatory for every business to have an online presence even if they are not selling any mass consumer product directly.

Companies that do not have an online presence, suffer drastically on customer loyalty, recommendation, and transparency. Consumers want to know everything about the business, locations, services and its pricing before visiting the store and would like to make an informed decision before trying to check it in the market.

Have a bespoke website for your business is a great investment in attracting more customers, creating trust among them, promoting your brand, and offering amazing deals to your prospective customers.

Magento is one such platform which offers amazing opportunities for having a user-friendly, scalable, and reliable website for your business. Though the market is full of several options for getting your website made, yet Magento has its own advantages. To start with, it is an open source platform which can be customized as per your business requirements.

Once you have shelved a budget for your website, you can move to the next step of how you can get the best solution within your budget and how you can save on the development cost.

We bring you some valuable tips on how can save your big bucks and get a bespoke Magento website:

Choose the correct Theme:

When deciding to get a website developed, the foremost requirement is set the tone right. This tone can be set by choosing an appropriate theme which reflects your brand in the truest sense and attracts visitors to your site. A Theme is different from customization as it is already developed to be used thus reducing the development time and cost.

Some themes work well for small businesses only with few products and cannot handle large volumes of data. Therefore, choose a theme after carefully considering the following:

  • Business growth plan for next five years
  • Target Audience
  • Volume of visitors
  • Brand Awareness

Design as per your Marketing Strategy:

Getting your website made and defining your marketing plan is what many business owners do. This practice is not appropriate and will cost you more in re-building your site. Define your marketing strategy and then design your website accordingly. This will not only save your time and cost but will also give you a direction.

Intuitive website interface designed according to your prospective customers is a must. You can invest in value-added creative touch-ups later if your budget permits.

Outsource your PHP Web Development Project:

Make use of the open source language and make your website at low cost. PHP is used to make interactive and user-friendly websites with HTML and you can save on the development cost. Hire a PHP developer with experience in Magento and get your website done at low cost.

Choosing the Magento Development Company:

If you choose to hire a company that has expertise in developing Magento sites, make sure you get the maintenance and support services with the package at no extra cost. These developers have in-depth knowledge about Magento and can give you more than you desire as they can fulfil your requirements with ease.

Make use of their consultation and strategic advice to grow your business and develop your website into a bespoke, scalable, reliable, and user-friendly zone by leveraging on their knowledge and expertise. This will save you time and money in hiring an additional consultant.

Learn & gather knowledge about Magento:

Magento being an open source platform offers information in the forums about it to its members. The community is supportive and you can gain vital information about how to make optimum use of the platform without punching a hole in your pocket.

Start with participating in these community forums to gain knowledge and useful information from it.

Use Free Plugins:

Magento is a widely used platform for e-commerce and offers many free plug-ins and widgets which can make your site more responsive and interactive. Exploit these options to use in your website and inform your developer about it. Magento is easy to customize and fit in with plugins. The more informed you will be, the less you spend.


If you are new to the e-commerce market and do not know much about technology, you can contact WebBee Global consultants who are experienced and knowledgeable in e-commerce platforms including Magento. Their strategist will give you budget-friendly solutions which are executable in real scenarios and will put in the effort required to understand your needs in detail.

They work on customer-centric models and use an Agile approach to overcome the development challenges. This helps them stay focused and their customers are happy to be involved in the process from start till the end. Save on designing and development services for Magento with WebBee Global and get your free consultation now.


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