
WebBee releases Make My Jungle an Amazon Buy Box monitoring software


May 2, 2020

WebBee releases Make My Jungle an Amazon Buy Box monitoring software

WebBee releases Make My Jungle an Amazon Buy Box monitoring software

4th February 2020, New York: In a recent development, WebBee eSolutions Pvt., Ltd., a leading Web and API development company based in NewYork, USA has released its first version of Amazon Buy Box monitoring software. The software is named as Make My Jungle. According to the company’s representative, the software is a very helpful tool for a seller having multiple products on the Amazon marketplace. He further states that with the help of the software, a seller can accurately assess the performance of his products in Amazon on several parameters.

With the help of the tool, a seller can have complete control and visibility over his products on different aspects including price alerts and much more. An automation software MMJ saves one from unnecessary hardship in checking product listing manually for performance and error. The software eases his task by sending him instant alerts corresponding to any change that occurred to the products listed on the Amazon store. The software safeguards, either, it is a newbie or an Amazon amateur from possible inconvenience while operating on Amazon’s store.

The type of services offered by Make My Jungle is divided into four major parts on the basis of notification and alerts issued by it. The first type of alert is for the people who try to copy product pics and descriptions thus are named Hijacker Alerts. The most accomplished alerts issued by the software is Amazon product listing Alert that reports about the entire business activities of a seller on Amazon. The complacency issues related to a product falling short of Amazon’s parameters are being informed on and through suppression alerts. Last and the most important one is the Amazon product rating alert. It notifies a seller about any new review, comment or star rating earned by his product.

The software is offered for $15 monthly pricing. A seller can have its 7-day free trial before buying it for his usage. According to the CEO of WebBee eSolutions Abhishek Jain, “Make My Jungle is a quite intuitive software that is designed to save a seller from unnecessary hardships in tracking the products listed through BuyBox. The alert mechanism for a seller makes his life easier”.

WebBee was incorporated in the year 2005 and is offering flawless ERP integration services for a decade. Its expert web store creation services and in-depth customized solutions connecting a wide range of marketplaces and industries. The company is presently governed by Abhishek Jain, CEO, who is leading the company from the front and offering products and services fitting best to consistently changing business environment.


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