
Why You Should Map Your Ads to Your Shopify Store’s Sales Funnel ?


October 10, 2017

Why You Should Map Your Ads to Your Shopify Store’s Sales Funnel ?

An online business needs advertising to flourish in the market and grow their business. The right audience needs to be made aware of your brand and products that you offer. It also helps in acquiring new customers and forming your client database to serve them better.

To execute a successful marketing and advertising strategy, you need to place dedicated adverts at each stage of the sales funnel to keep the customers engaged in your business.  There are three main stages to achieve this and have been designed to help marketers engage shoppers throughout their customer journey.

When you own a Shopify store, you need specific marketing strategies and one of the most important advertising strategies is implementing full-funnel marketing by mapping their advertising and content efforts to their sales funnel. This way, you target both new and returning customers with the right message at the right time. Not only this will drive more traffic to your store but will also compel them to make a purchase!

What is Full-Funnel Marketing?

Full-funnel marketing is a focused marketing approach that strikes on addressing the specific needs of the customer at each phase of considering, purchasing and ideally, re-purchasing products or services. All these phases make up the sales funnel and this funnel can be divided into three stages – Attract, Convert, and Re-engage. Here’s a glimpse of what each stage represents:

STAGE 1 | ATTRACT: Wooing new visitors to visit your Shopify store.

STAGE 2 | CONVERT: Concentrated on turning those visitors into customers by making them buy your products.

STAGE 3 | RE-ENGAGE: Focused on repeat customers and retaining them for long-term.

To make your sales funnel as efficient as possible, target the three stages and most importantly, automate the process. Let us get to know these stages in detail –


This is the first stage of the sales funnel and by the most critical as it establishes your existence and creates an identity for your business for consumers to know. Once you are established in the market you can move to the next step of attracting your targeted customers. Many business owners spent too much effort and money on ads without understanding what their customers need.  Your adverts should create a spark in consumers to bring them to your store and make a purchase. You can only retarget those who come to your store in the first place.

Prospecting finds and brings in new customers for you to surprise and delight.

Creating a look-alike campaign can help you to connect with the similar audience who already have made same purchases. There are two types of Lookalike audiences you should target in this stage:

Website Visitors: Audiences like your website visitors.

Top Customers: Target audiences like your best customers.


This is the second stage of your sales funnel and emphasise on taking those prospective visitors and transforming them into consumers.  This is when you start making sales to keep your business running. These sales also affect your bottom line as it depends on how well you can convert these customers. This stage is made up entirely of retargeting ads to bring in more sales and grow the business.

Generally, only 2% of shoppers make a purchase on their first visit to an online store. However, retargeting brings back the other 98%. At this stage, you keep track of people who visit your site and display your retargeting ads to them as they visit other sites online. The three campaigns that can help you during this stage are:

Website Visitors: Target all those who visited your website.

Dynamic Product: Target potential customers products they have already viewed, but not purchased.

Abandoned Carts: Target all the customers who abandoned the cart and did not finish their purchase.

Run these campaigns simultaneously to reap full benefits to retargeting your customers and generate sales to grow your business. This will also ensure that the correct ad and products are following customers through their journey and driving them to make a purchase on your site.


Researchers say you have about 60-70% probability that an existing customer will make a re-purchase n your site and only a 5-20% probability of selling to a new prospect. Therefore, it becomes imperative for a business to re-engage its existing customers and ensure they come back for future purchases to their store. Another important element in this process is to personalize the ads to connect with your customers and make them feel special. It’s important here to personalize the ads to make your customers feel special and appreciate them for their contribution to your business.

Our experience suggests you create two audience types to target: top customers and ready customers.

Top Customers: Bring your best customers back to show them new products or promotions.

Ready Customers: Bring past customers who are likely to make another purchase.

Ads in this phase should attract customers with special offers to appreciate their contribution and loyalty towards your business and brand.


To thrive your business and increase continuous sales, don’t forget to consider your customers’ positions in the sales funnel. The more targeted your eCommerce ads are the more chances of converting your customers occurs. Attract new clients and enjoy a healthy, business by following an automated approach to keep your sales funnel running at maximum efficiency.

To get into further details of how to channelize your customers to keep your sales up, you can get in touch with WebBee Global. The e-commerce experts at WebBee have profound knowledge about increasing sales and driving customers to make purchases at new stores. They can guide you to connect with your customers constructively and increase your business growth through them smoothly. Their services are cost-effective and suitable for all levels of business irrespective of the verticals.

WebBee helps you to improve your e-commerce conversion rate and Shopify Development, Magento Website Development with a complete e-commerce solution.


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