Know Our Incident Response Plan

WebBee Global has developed an information security incident response plan to implement its incident response policies procedures effectively. Incident response is that plan which brings together and organizes the resources for dealing with an event that harms or threatens the security of information assets. Such events may be malicious attacks, unauthorized use of services, a hoax, or unauthorized access to information or systems. Our main goal is to facilitate efficient response to incidents and limit their impact while protecting the information’s assets. The purpose of the incident response plan is to make incident response plan more simplistic and consistent for all potential types of incidents. The incident response phrases are:

  • Preparation
  • Identification
  • Containment
  • Eradication
  • Recovery

1. Preparation

It is one of the important phases that protects your business. Our employees are properly trained regarding their incident response roles and responsibilities in the event of the data breach.

2. Identification

A breach or incident could originate from different areas. In this phrase, we deal with various things like as:

  • When did the event happen?
  • Who discovered it and how?
  • Does it affect operation?

3. Containment

Whenever any breach is detected, we securely delete everything so that its impact can be minimized. Our short-term and long-term containment strategies are always ready so that we can restore business operations.

4. Eradication

We use our advanced tools to find and eliminate the root cause of the breach. If any trace of malware or security issues remains in your system then you may lose valuable data.

5. Recovery

In this process, we restore and return affected systems back into your business environments. At this moment, we get your business operations up and running again without any fear of a breach.