
Founded by Sergio Gandini in 1962 in Merano, Italy, FLOS has revolutionized the art of lighting by honoring tradition while embracing innovation

FLOS is, above all else, about craftsmanship, and as a result the brand has cultivated long and successful partnerships with some of the world’s most renowned lighting artists. Working with icons such as the Castiglioni brothers, Tobia Scarpa, Philippe Starck and Antonio Citterio, among others, FLOS has earned the respect of the industry while growing its offerings to include residential, commercial, and custom-made concept based products. An awardwinning institution, FLOS has earned worldwide recognition as the leader in the field


  1. Difference in revenue amount in NetSuite & BigCommerce.
  2. Conflict in Shipping & Billing Address.
  3. Syncing of Orders, Inventory, Shipping/ Tracking from NetSuite to Big Commerce.

WebBee assessed all the challenges very carefully & developed a connector that not only covers all the challenges faced by Flos but it covers other features too

NetSuite BigCommerce Connector

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